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Clodfobble 06-13-2018 06:19 PM

I do find it a little weird that everyone's wringing their hands over what Trump agreed to. When has Trump ever followed through on an agreement he made? The consequences of being known as a liar in international politics are certainly something to worry about, but in the short term, there's no way any of those concessions will actually happen.

sexobon 06-13-2018 06:26 PM

Besides, we can get out of any agreement Trump makes by pleading diminished capacity for him. There are advantages to having a wild card in office.

Happy Monkey 06-13-2018 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1010116)
I do find it a little weird that everyone's wringing their hands over what Trump agreed to. When has Trump ever followed through on an agreement he made?

He just did - he agreed to escort Kim to the world stage and lavish praise on him.

As for anything else he promised, yeah. No reason to think he or Kim will follow through on anything else in the "agreement".

tw 06-13-2018 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1010116)
When has Trump ever followed through on an agreement he made?

He respects his promises routinely whenever it promotes him and when it throws others under the bus. He routinely executes promises that screw others. So he has lawyers such as Cohen. He breaks agreements that do not entice his ego or increase his wealth.

No accident that Ivanka and Kushner are reaping increased profits ($87 million) due to their family in government. Just another example of where The Don's interests lie. We are simply a convenience.

He will not break promises to Putin - if that is not yet obvious.

He promised to destroy the TPP. He promised to attack and tarriff trade with all major American allies and trading partners. He only withdrew on promised harm to Chinese trade when they threatened to make him look bad. He is avidly destroying NAFTA - as promised. He promised to give tax cuts to the rich.

He promised to take a first step in abandoning America's support of N Korea. Only reason he will not do that is if it hurts his image.

sexobon 06-14-2018 12:19 AM

Let the good times roll.

tw 06-14-2018 04:19 PM

"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette owner ordered the paper to run an editorial defending president on racism charge."

From John R Block, owner of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Reason as racism: An immigration debate gets derailed

If the president is wrong on immigration - on merit, on finding a balance between skilled and unskilled immigrants, on chain migration, on the lottery - let his opponents defeat him on these points, and not by calling him a racist. If he is to be removed from office, let the voters do it based on his total performance - temperament as well as accomplishment - in 2020. Simply calling him an agent of the Russians, a nutcase or a racist is a cowardly way to fight.

We need to confine the word "racist" to people like Bull Connor and Dylann Roof. For if every person who speaks inelegantly, or from a position of privilege, or ignorance, or expresses an idea we dislike, or happens to be a white male, is a racist, the term is devoid of meaning.
He forgets that America's most productive people include immigrants - skilled and unskilled. Why do so many Nobel Prize winners come from the City College of NY? Because unskilled immigrants (legal and illegal) are some of the most productive Americans. Hate is to even condemn immigrants because they came to be educated. Those uneducated (until they get here) immigrants traditionally are some of America's most productive people. 50% of America's top 500 companies are founded by immigrants.

It is racist to hate people because they are uneducated. Just like Bull Connor, Dylan Roof and David Duke.

His racist rant even forgets that Trump refused to condemn Nazi, KKK, and White Supremacists in Charlotte. Since those who hate typically are Trump supporters.

After his hate editorial was published, more than a dozen Block family members condemned John Block's editorial. They said his editorial did not represent their values or that of William Block Sr. - the paper's owner for six decades. Block's editorial, "published on Martin Luther King Day, printed without the Post-Gazette editorial board's consensus, and attempting to justify blatant racism, is a violation of that legacy."

We must constantly cite Trump's racist attitudes (inspired by his ego) today so that patriotic Americans (the moderates) will vote the shithole out in 2020. Block so loves Trump - and his hate.

Public profanity has and must increase. Since Trump routinely used such hate and insults to even undermine other Republicans during those Presidential primaries. That low brow discourse is loved by anti-Americans - the least educated Americans. This shithole president - who trades in wives as if used cars - is that despicable. Even Nixon was a more honorable man. Even Nixon was not a racist. Trump is.

"United States [should] take immigrants from an overwhelmingly white country such as Norway rather than "shithole countries" like Haiti or in Africa." My relatives who are Norway citizens (everyone) even found that to be a racist Trump.

Reported by Politico at:


The Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh ... said ... it was "collectively appalled and crestfallen by the repugnant editorial."

"As a matter of course, the Guild does not weigh in on editorial positions, but this piece is so extraordinary in its mindless, sycophantic embrace of racist values and outright bigotry espoused by this country's president that we would be morally, journalistically, and humanly remiss not to speak out against it"
A wacko extremist owner refused to publish their letter - probably because of the honesty. News (reporting all sides) must be replaced by personal opinions - just like Pravda did in the Soviet Union. No wonder Trump (and Block) think so highly of Putin.

Admitting one might be wrong must never happen when extremists promote their hate agenda. A moderate (a patriot) would have published that letter - to provide honesty and context. An anti-American (a wacko extremist) must not so as to protect his political agenda.

A wacko extremists does not first learn facts. He is an expert because his emotions (extremist political biases) tell him what to conclude. These are examples of adults who are still children. Facts be damned.

But then his wacko extremism (a classic supporter of Trump's hate even of American allies) continues.

xoxoxoBruce 06-14-2018 05:57 PM

I think Trump is racist, but Block has a good point. Just calling Trump racist is not the way to dispute or discredit his position on immigration.

Happy Monkey 06-14-2018 06:40 PM

Perhaps that is politically true, ie, a counterproductive argument given prevailing attitudes in certain demographics, but legally you can't form policy based on racist motivation. Even if you find an excuse that isn't directly tied to race. It's too easy (and common) to find some other factor that correlates well with race, and claim that you're basing the racist policy on that.

tw 06-14-2018 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1010165)
... Block has a good point. Just calling Trump racist is not the way to dispute or discredit his position on immigration.

It is called a straw man. Only Block would tie both together. Trump is a racist. Which is completely different from another problem he has - he promotes hate of immigrants. Those are two separate issues once we ignore Block's spin.

Even Block's family speaks out against him.

xoxoxoBruce 06-14-2018 11:38 PM

Maybe hate of immigrants he can't make a buck off, but I wonder how much is pandering to his base?

tw 06-15-2018 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1010182)
... but I wonder how much is pandering to his base?

That is his long history. He throws shit against the wall. Then parrots anything that sticks. All part of promoting Trump; not America. So his delivery to organizations (ie Boy Scouts, NRA) sounds like campaign speeches promoting his personal successes. And how others are evil. He is not cerebral like a leader. He grovels to the emotions of his audience.

He has no interest in promoting American trade and industry. He discovered support from many who can be goaded into destruction of trade as if that is good. Since that shit sticks to the wall.

Clodfobble 06-15-2018 06:30 AM

Trump was convicted in a court of law of writing a C on the applications of black residents to his building(s) in New York. He's a straight up racist.

Griff 06-15-2018 06:52 AM

That's apparently a value now.

sexobon 06-15-2018 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1010192)
Trump was convicted in a court of law of writing a C on the applications of black residents to his building(s) in New York. He's a straight up racist.

What is your source for that?

The New York Times, The Washington Post, and even Wikipedia say that matter was settled out of court without any admission of wrongdoing by Trump.

tw 06-15-2018 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1010195)
That's apparently a value now.

So Trump wrote his own grades on his school report card?

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