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april 11-21-2003 01:31 PM

Things you should do.
Stay away from FNF!

I had to do this b/c he is so mean!
Stay away from FNF! Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!

Beestie 11-21-2003 01:33 PM

Things you shouldn't do.

Make posts like that.

april 11-21-2003 01:34 PM

Well what the hell do you expect!

No I'm not mad at you just tired!

wolf 11-21-2003 01:43 PM

Are you sure you are not actually 14 and lying about your age? This is ridiculous.

april 11-21-2003 01:44 PM

Ok fine I'll stop!

FileNotFound 11-21-2003 01:45 PM


Originally posted by wolf
Are you sure you are not actually 14 and lying about your age? This is ridiculous.
I agree! This is ridiculous...

If she was going to really warn people she should have typed out my name all the way and left a space between the next paste. As in:
Stay away from FileNotFound! Stay...

September 11-21-2003 02:19 PM



what happened? did FNF push the wrong buttons or something?

Riddil 11-21-2003 02:40 PM

Isn't there a "My little pony" or "Care bears" forum that you'd enjoy visiting more?

FileNotFound 11-21-2003 02:42 PM


Originally posted by Riddil
Isn't there a "My little pony" or "Care bears" forum that you'd enjoy visiting more?
She said that all other forums are blocked by the school firewall.

In other words, the only reason she's here is that she's got nowhere else to go.

DNK 11-21-2003 02:47 PM

Maybe you should contact the school and ask them to block this forum as well. Problem solved.



FileNotFound 11-21-2003 02:52 PM


Originally posted by DNK
Maybe you should contact the school and ask them to block this forum as well. Problem solved.



I'd love to.

September 11-21-2003 03:12 PM

actually, that's only one thing.

FileNotFound 11-21-2003 03:27 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
Based on what I gathered from, this would appear to be the guarantee though:

Mayde Creek High School
19202 Groeschke Rd
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 647-3000

Hmm I'd call but how do the mods feel about that?

elSicomoro 11-21-2003 03:30 PM

Wait a've been wishing to have this girl yanked for days. Now you have a possible opportunity, and you're concerned about what someone else thinks?


FileNotFound 11-21-2003 03:36 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
Wait a've been wishing to have this girl yanked for days. Now you have a possible opportunity, and you're concerned about what someone else thinks?


This isn't my board. I am not a mod.

I do not think it is my place to remove or try to remove somebodys access to this board without permission.

elSicomoro 11-21-2003 03:37 PM

I'm only the moderator of the Manifestos, but I'll give my 2 cents:

I'm sure April is a nice person overall, but I don't think she's ready for the Cellar. At the same time, FNF and insoluble have been basically egging her on for the last couple of days, so I'd say they're partly to blame as well.

Dagney 11-21-2003 03:41 PM

Then why not take out _all_ the trash, instead of leaving some rotten apples behind to fester?


bmgb 11-21-2003 03:42 PM

You'd think the site would have already been banned, since her teacher found out about it.

Undertoad 11-21-2003 03:46 PM

This place operates by rough consensus, the mods have no power other than having their own areas which they do control.

If it were up to me I would tell the school to block here.

HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 03:47 PM

Don't you think it's a little wrong to post the school information of a child on here? I'm assuming you're all adults and that you would probably be pretty upset if someone posted your work information on here, so why is it okay to post her school information?

If the point was to scare her, you could have done so in a private message with the information. There's no need to put it on here.

FileNotFound 11-21-2003 03:52 PM

She provided that info herself, even if indirectly.

HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 03:54 PM

Dude, she's a child. Grow-up, FileNotFound.

HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 03:57 PM

I'm sure she didn't realize you could get all of that information from her post. Unless she posted that herself and you just cut and pasted it, you're in the wrong, but tell yourself whatever you need to in order to sleep at night.

There is that whole thing when you register about how this site respects your privacy, though. Is this respecting her privacy? The fact that she is an ass doesn't give you the right to announce her information to the world.

DNK 11-21-2003 03:59 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
Dude, she's a child. Grow-up, FileNotFound.


Originally posted by FileNotFound
being just 21.

So is he.



HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 04:02 PM

Oh, so that's why FNF is such a fruity assclown.
Thanks, DNK.

FileNotFound 11-21-2003 04:02 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
I'm sure she didn't realize you could get all of that information from her post. Unless she posted that herself and you just cut and pasted it, you're in the wrong, but tell yourself whatever you need to in order to sleep at night.

There is that whole thing when you register about how this site respects your privacy, though. Is this respecting her privacy? The fact that she is an ass doesn't give you the right to announce her information to the world.

First of all. This so called 'child' HAS a child and at 17 I think she might as well be considered an adult.

Yeah I'm 4 years older than her but I think I'm about 20 years ahead of her in maturity. (Thats unless you think that having a kid makes someone mature)

While I may not sleep too well at night, I assure you that my sense of guilt in my treatment of April is the last thing on my mind.

September 11-21-2003 04:03 PM

21 is hardly a child. I think FNF is not yet a women, not still a child

FileNotFound 11-21-2003 04:04 PM


Originally posted by September
21 is hardly a child. I think FNF is not yet a women, not still a child
Damn man...I sure hope that I'm not yet a woman...shit that'd be scary....

September 11-21-2003 04:11 PM

and yet, oddly arousing.

Riddil 11-21-2003 04:16 PM

LOL, this thread has taken an amusing twist.

Anyhow, if the mods wanted her gone, they would have already banned her. So waiting for a mods blessing to get her access filtered isn't really a worthwhile effort... if they wanted her gone they simply would have blocked her already.


Considering calling on your own... first you have to ask why does her school have the filter in place? Obviously they have a very extensive filter since it has seemingly blocked "everywhere but here".

It would seem that the school officials are very concerned about controlling internet access and what the students can and can't see, for whatever reasons.

Considering that so many other sites have been filtered by her school, it stands to reason that they only reason that the cellar isn't filtered is simply b/c it "fell under the radar".

By that logic, it stands to reason that the school would indeed like to know about the cellar, and add it to their filter list. You would be doing them a service by calling this one in.

Of course, getting the person that answers the phone to actually do anything about it would be another challenge....

Anyhow, I'm really indifferent on this one. But it's still fun to watch. ;)

lumberjim 11-21-2003 04:50 PM

originally posted by april
Stay away from FNF! Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF!Stay away from FNF! All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy All WOrk and No PLay MAke JAck A DUll BOy

Anyone ever see The Shining?

HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 05:07 PM

You still are choosing to ignore that the site goes on about respecting privacy, which means in turn that the members ought to as well. What you did is worse than anything she has done.

And even if she is 17 and has a kid, she is still a child herself. You should be embarrassed that you are letting a child get to you so much that you feel the need to post her information in a public forum.

juju 11-21-2003 05:16 PM

The privacy policy doesn't cover people's posts. Those are public. Hence the term <i>public</i> message board. Users are free to do whatever they want with that information.

Also, only Undertoad is obliged to abide by the privacy policy, as he is the owner of the website.

HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 05:22 PM

So, you'd be okay with someone posting personal information about you that you didn't give them (didn't DIRECTLY give them, since she gave enough for P.I. FileNotFound to sleuth it out)?

elSicomoro 11-21-2003 05:22 PM

1. The information posted was public information, obtained legally, through legal means.

2. The only personal information that might have been posted about the person in question is what school she goes one for certain knows her real name (unless they've been told by her in a private message) or if this is even the right school (see #4). Worst case scenario: A good estimate/guess was made, based on information posted to a public forum.

3. This site contains material that is not suitable for minors. A school would most likely want to block sites that contain such material.

4. A disclaimer was included with the original information.

'Nuff said.

HaywardNelson 11-21-2003 05:27 PM

Okay, so if someone legally obtains your information, they should feel free to post it here.

If anyone was really concerned about the content that is inappropriate for minors, he would simply have contacted the school and told them that children were posting on an adult-oriented website from the school. Posting the information is clearly intended to intimidate the girl.

Also, now that you know where she is located and when she is posting, it wouldn't be difficult to find out who she is. None of what you did may be illegal, but it's wrong.

juju 11-21-2003 05:28 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
So, you'd be okay with someone posting personal information about you that you didn't give them (didn't DIRECTLY give them, since she gave enough for P.I. FileNotFound to sleuth it out)?
It doesn't matter if I'm okay with it. Anyone has the power to glean facts from public information. There's nothing I can do about it. Except pitch a fit, I guess. But that wouldn't do a whole lot of good.

juju 11-21-2003 05:30 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
Also, now that you know where she is located and when she is posting, it wouldn't be difficult to find out who she is. None of what you did may be illegal, but it's wrong.
Interesting. Perhaps that might be a good topic of discussion for the Philosophy forum?

Nothing But Net 11-21-2003 07:54 PM

What a fucking train wreck!
Go see my post <a href="">here</a>.

Then let me know what you think. I don't think the Cellar is necessarily for schoolkids either.

ladysycamore 11-21-2003 08:56 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
Dude, she's a child. Grow-up, FileNotFound.
She's given birth. She's about as adult as one can get. :angry:

ladysycamore 11-21-2003 09:03 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
You still are choosing to ignore that the site goes on about respecting privacy, which means in turn that the members ought to as well. What you did is worse than anything she has done.

And even if she is 17 and has a kid, she is still a child herself. You should be embarrassed that you are letting a child get to you so much that you feel the need to post her information in a public forum.

Perhaps the "child" should not be here based on her age. I realize that this is probably a board for all ages...I'm assuming that, since there isn't anything that says "18 and under needs parental permission" or something of that ilk.

Plus, wouldn't she get MORE out of being on a board with people closer to her age range and in her situation (single motherhood). By her hanging out here with "grown folk" makes it look like she's trying to be older than she really is or that she can "hang" with older people.

I dunno...I'm still shaking my head at the whole mess. :(

SteveDallas 11-21-2003 10:08 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
This place operates by rough consensus,
As opposed to "roughing it" consensus (cf. dave).

lumberjim 11-21-2003 10:54 PM


Originally posted by SteveDallas

As opposed to "roughing it" consensus (cf. dave).


Keiner Macht für dich mehr

Registered: Jun 2001
Posts: 4970

quote:Originally posted by r9703410 (APRIL)

The term "roughing it" refers to vigorous anal sex. If you've ever had it, you'll understand why.

This roughing it?

elSicomoro 11-21-2003 11:03 PM

Hayward, we encourage people to post their opinion here. However, we're not very fond of people that post opinion as fact. You did it three times in one of your earlier posts.


Posting the information is clearly intended to intimidate the girl.

Also, now that you know where she is located

None of what you did may be illegal, but it's wrong.
Now #2 could go either way at the moment. We know she lives in Houston--she told us that in her original profile (when she debuted on the Cellar as r9703410). She might go to the school mentioned...she has never said where she attends school, so unless she tells us, we don't really know.

Now, if you want to try and back up items 1 and 3 with fact, go for it. I know that you simply cannot do so, but you're more than welcome to try.

Otherwise, you might want to qualify yourself in the future.

I think you were trying to intimidate the girl.

And if this is where she's located

I think what you did is wrong.


Okay, so if someone legally obtains your information, they should feel free to post it here.
I'd say it depends on the situation. For example, let's say somebody is trying to find me.

Hello...I'm looking for Rahsaan Saleem. We went to high school together and I haven't spoken to him in 20 years. The last known address I was able to find for him is:

1555 Iron Butterfly Road
Philadelphia, PA 19132

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

And then, someone might know where I live, and then said person could find me. So in this situation, it could be incredibly beneficial to post my information here.

Hope all this helps...

wolf 11-22-2003 12:42 AM


Originally posted by Riddil
LOL, this thread has taken an amusing twist.

Anyhow, if the mods wanted her gone, they would have already banned her.

Actually, he did.

She came back.

Promised to be "good."

And then promptly wasn't.

HaywardNelson 11-22-2003 07:36 AM


Originally posted by sycamore
Hayward, we encourage people to post their opinion here. However, we're not very fond of people that post opinion as fact. You did it three times in one of your earlier posts.

I'd say it depends on the situation. For example, let's say somebody is trying to find me.

Hello...I'm looking for Rahsaan Saleem. We went to high school together and I haven't spoken to him in 20 years. The last known address I was able to find for him is:

1555 Iron Butterfly Road
Philadelphia, PA 19132

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

And then, someone might know where I live, and then said person could find me. So in this situation, it could be incredibly beneficial to post my information here.

Hope all this helps...

So this scenario wouldn't creep you out at all? Someone posting your name in full as well as your home address on random message boards? I don't know...

ETA: and if your real street name is Iron Butterfly, well, that flat-out rules!

HaywardNelson 11-22-2003 10:44 AM

And also? Thanks for attempting to placate me through patronage. I found it to be one part absurd, one part insulting and one part amusing. Stirred and not shaken, please and thanks.
I post as FACT that what you have done to April is wrong. As we have all proven, you never know who is lurking. For all you know, you have just provided a headcase with the name of her school. A sick person would go to the trouble of finding out her information while a potentially sick person would have it at a glance, considering how a previous post has it all wrapped up with a bow.
Also, I find that what you have done is akin to posting information about a pre-teen. Either way, both minors and both wrong.
No, I don't "think" it's wrong...It IS wrong.
As for that being annoying (someone posting thoughts as fact), that's just plain silly and you know it. You sound well-read. Why can you not see a problem with this?
One last thing: is there not an option in the user CP that would disallow her posts to be part of your viewing/posting pleasures? If not, I am sure a moderator can make that possible.

And for FileNotFound- The ability to procreate does not an adult make. It rhymes. Should be easy for you to refer to in the future. If this were the case, I would have been considered an adult when I got my first freaking period at 11.

ETA: for your reading pleasure

xoxoxoBruce 11-22-2003 11:35 AM

I don't see anything in art III about the name, address and/or phone number of a SCHOOL.

jeni 11-22-2003 01:38 PM

can we just ban everyone?

HaywardNelson 11-22-2003 01:40 PM

A disagreement calls for banning? And which camp do you guard, Schadenfrau?

Kitsune 11-22-2003 01:42 PM

Damn, you guys -- is The Cellar normally like this on a regular basis or do these odd outbursts of angsty tantrums come and go in cycles?

HaywardNelson 11-22-2003 01:44 PM

A tantrum? I doubt it.
Trying to protect the rights of a minor? More likely.

Kitsune 11-22-2003 01:55 PM

Well, I was referring to the tantrums of the minor, which keep slipping into and invading other random threads...

Is anyone calling the authorities on this? If you think the rights of a minor are being violated, or that laws are being broken, I highly encourage you to do the right thing and get the local authorities involved. Otherwise, it ain't gonna stop.

juju 11-22-2003 02:24 PM

No, I assure you, kids logging on, creating billions of fake accounts, and flooding threads with absolute garbage is complety abnormal for the Cellar. Usually, it's really cool here. :)

jeni 11-22-2003 02:39 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
A disagreement calls for banning? And which camp do you guard, Schadenfrau?
i don't know if you're referring to me, but my comment was made in jest.

...which i thought was pretty obvious, considering i hadn't posted in this thread prior to said comment.

HaywardNelson 11-22-2003 04:48 PM


Originally posted by jeni

i don't know if you're referring to me, but my comment was made in jest.

...which i thought was pretty obvious, considering i hadn't posted in this thread prior to said comment.

I thought it was common knowlege that sarcasm doesn't carry well in written text and thus is not conveyed as the poster had intended.
Whooops, my bad.

jeni 11-22-2003 06:34 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson

I thought it was common knowlege that sarcasm doesn't carry well in written text and thus is not conveyed as the poster had intended.
Whooops, my bad.

i didn't see anyone else misunderstand it. :)

if my comment were to be taken seriously, the resulting action would be pretty ridiculous, which makes my comment ridiculous. since i'm not a ridiculous person, it can pretty much be assumed that i was joking.

elSicomoro 11-22-2003 07:59 PM

Wolf, you may be right...this person DOES sound awfully familiar...too familiar.


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
And also? Thanks for attempting to placate me through patronage.
Patronage? Hardly. Ask around...I don't patronize anybody here...I don't need to.


As we have all proven, you never know who is lurking.
True. You just never know.


For all you know, you have just provided a headcase with the name of her school.
Anything's possible. However:

--We don't know this girl's name for certain...definitely not her full name.
--We don't know if this is the school in question.
--Anyone could have gotten the same information I did.

You could argue that I made it easier for a headcase, but then you have to go back to the first two points above.


A sick person would go to the trouble of finding out her information while a potentially sick person would have it at a glance, considering how a previous post has it all wrapped up with a bow.
So, are you trying to say that I'm a sick person for finding the information?

See above regarding the latter part of this quote.


Also, I find that what you have done is akin to posting information about a pre-teen.

No, I don't "think" it's wrong...It IS wrong.
You qualified your statement in the first quote, which is good, but didn't do so in the second quote...not good.

The law you posted does not seem to apply to this situation, as I have not posted anything sexual about her, nor have I posted her home information. If you want to consult a lawyer or calls the cops on me, be my guest.


As for that being annoying (someone posting thoughts as fact), that's just plain silly and you know it.
We just had a big blow up involving two of our regulars in another thread, regarding posting opinion as fact. Depending on the situation, I'd say it can be rather trivial. I think we all do it on occasion.

However, as a whole, I think people should definitely avoid doing such a thing, for it cause a great deal of problems, from misunderstandings up to slander and libel. I merely advised you that it's not a good thing to do around here. Whether you choose to heed my advice or not is up to you.


You sound well-read. Why can you not see a problem with this?
Because as a whole, I don't think it was necessarily a problem.


One last thing: is there not an option in the user CP that would disallow her posts to be part of your viewing/posting pleasures? If not, I am sure a moderator can make that possible.
There is an ignore option on Cellar...I personally don't use b/c I don't find it useful to block posts from certain people.

So, let's review: A Dwellar remarked that he would like to notify said person's school to have our site filtered from their internet. Putting 2 and 2 together, I found what could be the school, but as I mentioned, no guarantees. After giving it some thought, I removed the information, but it still exists in a post by FNF and in a thread created by Juju. Whether they wish to have it removed from their posts/threads is up to them and/or Undertoad. Were any laws broken? It doesn't look like it. Was it wrong? That's a judgment call to be made by each individual.

As an aside, I hope I AM wrong in suspecting that you are someone else posting under another user ID.

lumberjim 11-22-2003 08:05 PM


Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, so we know who we have protecting us. You are coming on very strong. I understood Jeni's sarcasm. You're right, sarcasm doesn't carry as well in written form, but the ridiculous nature of the suggestion makes it pretty obvious......if you take the time to think about it. Seems like you're tryin to pick a fight, and given the oddity of these past two weeks and the multiple login abuse, we begin to wonder who you REALLY are?

Im gonna have to ask you to scan your drivers license and post it in this thread.

do you think she'll detect THAT sarcasm?

jeni 11-22-2003 08:10 PM


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