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Old 12-15-2017, 02:22 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Local paper must report the results of the investigation of every car crash and murder. Still most don't. Those would be relevant facts. Most local papers only want to hype emotion of the crash or murder. And cannot be bothered a month later to report what really happened, why, and details of that trial or scientific study.
This is actually a good point. But the truth is that a newspaper story must be a story to engage the reader.

18 year old boy took LSD, thought he was dying of internal hemorrhaging when he started throwing up red jello in the shower, so he ran out naked into a busy street and got arrested when he fought back as the cops tried to subdue him. It's anticlimactic to write a story four months later that the charges were dropped because he kept his nose clean and apologized to everyone and their mother.
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