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Old 01-17-2018, 06:45 PM   #124
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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Like the HuffPo article it seems the starting point for women is what kind of sexual assaults/sexual harassment/bad dates they have experienced. When women talk, it turns out they pretty much all have had those experiences. That's shocking.

As an empathetic person, I have an urge to compare my own notes. But I was never sexually assaulted. Just regular-assaulted. Then we compared notes as men and it turns out we pretty much all had those experiences. But nobody was shocked.

Because that's "just how it is". I suspect it's FAR worse for men physically, and a LITTLE worse for women emotionally; SCARIER for women, in general, because they are more vulnerable and are more likely to be killed in a one-on-one end-all conflict.

Here's the thing though - most violent assaults are carried out by men.
The fact you figure THAT'S important, is why there's no movement for the regular assault problem. We're serious victims, but we're also born perpetrators just by gender, so... kinda evens out, huh?

That's a wretched way to think about it. And, it's pretty much how everyone thinks about it.
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