Thread: Mysteries
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Old 02-19-2018, 01:58 PM   #10
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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My Own Personal Mini-Mystery

So, there I am, minding my own binness...

I was reading the other night (Ralph Compton The Oregon Trail, if you must know), and I got dry-eyed and tired, so I put the book down and turned out the light. As I roll back over, "Wait, whut?"

There is something not right.

There is light coming outta my little Miller Lite bucket that I use for a trash can (because Miller Lite is garbage). Light. In the dark. Comin' outta m'trash.

I turned the light back on. Looked around in there for a minute, but, didn't find any answers. Light off. Faint greenish light coming outta m'trash.

I like hard candy when I'm reading. I have these faantaastic lollipops that I chop the sticks out of when I eat them. (What? I like lollipops, but, I ain't gay.) They're really good. Bubble gum flavor. Cotton candy flavor. Wild cherry. Blueberries & cream. Strawberry shortcake.

I now know some of those lollipops have sticks that glow in the dark. Why? I guess so ya can see the sucker suckers coming in the dark, Idk.

I cannot tell you how hard I was working there for a minute trying to figure out just what the hell I was experiencing. My brain was a-sizzle, fo' shizzle. I'm kinda concerned actually. I was pretty confused for a minute.

Glow-in-the-dark lollipop sticks...What will they think of next?

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