Thread: Bbro's photos
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Old 04-13-2018, 09:22 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I suspect the assignment to take pictures in your favorite room is just to get you to practice taking different pictures within one area. Trying different point of view, up close, far away, different angle, down on your belly shooting up, standing on a chair shooting down. I suspect they are just training you to "see" a thing from different points of view so you can get a feel for what captures it best.

Lots of people walk up to a tourist location and just point the camera at what they see and click the shutter. The really good pictures are taken by people who spend a little time looking at the thing from different angles and at different times with different light.

Check out my picture of the Rosetta Stone. It's actually pretty bad, but I think it's way better than the pictures everyone else there got.
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