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Old 04-13-2018, 11:44 AM   #169
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Ok, so it's Friday and I am still here.

This is unfolding a little more awkwardly than I had hoped.

I wanted to meet the HR person and then have her approach the trademark manager to sell her on the idea, but the HR person was blowing me off. She went almost 3 days before getting back to me about even getting on her schedule.

So I contacted the trademark manager directly. We know each other superficially and I had done a few little projects for her before. So I shot her an email asking if we could talk. Two minutes later, I got an email from the HR person saying she was sorry it had taken so long but we could meet Friday. I assumed the trademark person called HR and now HR was running interference.

But then the trademark person responded and said I could come by then.

So I spoke to the trademark person, and it was pleasant. Maybe cordial is the word. But she was surprised by my request. Literally. Wasn't prepared for a response. She said she would talk it over with others and get back to me. I told her I had an appointment with HR for Friday and she said that was perfect. I should get the ball rolling with HR.

So I'm meeting with HR this afternoon. Maybe it's an appointment with my executioner, or maybe they will hear me out and things will just fall into place.

Meanwhile, there is a firm Management Committee meeting today, and I've briefed one of the partners on that committee on a particular issue, so they are going to be throwing my name around as a fount of knowledge and wisdom in this meeting that is chaired by the CEO who might be considering laying me off.

The cool thing is, I feel great. I've been anxious for a fucking year or two about this and one way or another it's going to be over soon. And I am the one who is making it happen now.
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