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Old 04-14-2018, 06:09 PM   #14
Encroaching on your decrees
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Location: An island within the south-west coast of Scotland
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Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
The bad news: The power went out during a hail storm yesterday evening. I was then awoken at

1.) 11:30 - by Minifobette, who was panicking because she woke up and couldn't tell what time it was and couldn't listen to her music to calm down
2.) 3:30 - by the dog retching in her crate for no apparent reason, though fortunately no vomit
3.) 5:30 - by Minifob, who was also disoriented without a digital clock and just wanted to know the time
4.) 6:30 - by Minifob and Minifobette together, wanting to know why their DS chargers weren't working, and
5.) 7:15 - by the dog, who needed to pee.

The power stayed off all the way until 5:00 PM, which meant no hot water for showers, no food beyond dry pantry goods, and no air conditioning all day.

But! The good news:

We had a fairly busy day which involved lots of excuses to leave the house, and tonight we're going to take the kids to see my uncle's folk band play at their regular gig at an awesome barbecue place, and visit with some out-of-town relatives whose company I genuinely enjoy. And the post-storm weather cooled us back down into normal spring temperatures, which should hopefully last for a few days.

Woah! Sounds like a good result though.

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Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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