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Old 05-21-2018, 09:28 PM   #276
henry quirk
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Join Date: Jan 2009
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"Only one who famous for his profanity..."

Yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' good at cussin'.


"...would take cheapshots at the Parkland students."

Don't know how pointin' out the true agenda of cocksuckers like youself is a shot at the kids (who incidentally 'are' kids...they should be tended to, not catered to).


"But that is the type of person who needs an assault weapon to enlarge his penis."

My dick is just the right size, thank you very much, and I see you've expanded 'assault weapon' to include double-barreled shotguns (which is what a coach gun is). That's how it goes with you shits.


"No profanity and no insult."

Fuck you, nimrod (two birds, one sentence).


"That is where this need for big guns comes from."

No. Currently the 'need' for my coach gun is to shoot assholes who come lookin' to take my coach gun.


"Same emotions justify attacking the victims."

Yeah, I didn't attack the victims.


"This is not about a second amendment."

You're right about that. My gun is mine cuz 'I' say it is, not cuz of words on paper, or someone's interpretation of those words.


"Anyone is protected by a .22 six shooter."

Till like-minded pussies like yourself decide to classify them as 'assault weapons'.


"Nobody needs military weapons to defend himself."

Not your fuckin' call.

Anywho, my coach gun is not a millitary weapon, so: fuck you.


"Otherwise we have also justified the need for 155 mm howitzers and grenade launchers. But a .22 that no longer inspires sexual emotions with the usual henry quick insults."

Buddy, if I wanted a bazooka, and I could find one, and I could meet the price, then absolutely I would have a bazooka. Thing is: all I need is my nice lil coach gun, a thing even Smokin' Joe Biden approves of, so...

Fuck you, tw...fuck you hard and long...with a red, foot-long strap-on...worn by whatever fellow traveller you like.
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