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Old 09-06-2018, 10:06 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Swing and a miss. I'll try to make this entertaining and informative.
The backbone (ie Level 3) had no congestion problems. Level 3 specifically cites the only reason for that congestion - a biopoly named Comcast. Comcast should have been upgrading their network. But that does not increase profits. So Comcast has congestion. A problem because they do not split up their 'one cable serving many customers' into 'two cables serving same customers with sufficient bandwidth'.

Again, $50+ for only 20 Mb. Korean has long provided 100 Mb for only $20 monthly.

Comcast is spending massively on buying NBC, a mobile phone company, the three tallest skyscrapers in Philadelphia, Universal Studios, and a large number of information providers. Done because they need not upgrade their 'last mile' equipment when extremists control the FCC. Comcast has virtually no competition since the last of the competitors are now gone. Comcast is now charging the information providers to pay for network upgrades that were once paid for by data transporter.

These innovations and upgrades would not be stifled with net neutrality. Embarrassing that UT cannot see it and supports the many who want to enrich the rich - extremists.

Again, backbone providers were quite blunt about where congestion exists. The last mile provider - Comcast - will not upgrade their hardware. Then uses destruction of net neutrality to mask and justify their 'we want to increase profits' actons.

Comcast subverted VoIP services while implementing their own that had no obstructions. Comcast expected to take over the VoIP business. When confronted by net neutrality, then VoIP could not destroy the competition. So Comcast move onto other ways to charge everyone more money - to increase profits without investing is capital equipment. (Give credit to Roberts for his constantly adapting strategies.)

Skype is now paying Comcast for hardware / software to upgrade Comcast reliability. Extremists say others (not Comcast) must pay for upgrades to the last mile as it is done in other nations (ie Korea).

I believe a Comcast upgrade, paid for by surcharging Skype, is currently ongoing in the Boston area. This will give Skype better reliability. And do nothing for the future, innovative, VoIP companies - who are now locked out of the market.

According to wacko extremists, that will somehow create innovation. In reality, Trump supporters hate free markets and innovation. And love the campaign contributions from a now richer Comcast. Extremist subvert net neutrality for political and monetary advantages. UT predictably recites their propaganda.

VoIP problems exist because Comcast will not upgrade (to increase profits) and even used selective throttling to get the information providers to pay for 'no throttling'. That cannot happen with net neutrality. Comcast would have to invest in their infrastructure - and not into big buildings, 21st Century Fox, Universal Studios, buy mobile phone companies, Liongate, NBC (and Telemundo), Spectacor, Dreamworks, et al. Two thirds of flights by Comcast's $40million private jet flights carry Brian Roberts (president) between his home and vacation sites.

Thanks to those who want to subvert net neutrality, we already have less competition and increasingly more expensive internet. So American internet is dropping on the list of 'best internet'. Thanks to destruction of net neutrality, America has dropped from #1 twenty years ago to somewhere around #10 - and still dropping. A drop that started with restriction to free market competition and the destruction of net neutrality - by same people who even lied about Saddam's WMDs, a military that is too small, Gestapo style torture, secret prisons, contempt of our allies, wiretapping without judicial oversight, Mission Accomplished, and mythical threats.

Last edited by tw; 09-06-2018 at 10:18 AM.
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