Thread: Cat
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Old 09-09-2018, 10:54 AM   #15
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 1,357
My kitten Betty still nurses on her mother, but has found can food is not so bad. She use to smell it then turn around and try to cover the plate like the food was predigested. I remember Walmart was going to sell cans of tuna, but couldn't get past border inspection as labeled. So it came back as Greater Value tuna cat food. The tuna look like cut up sardines in a light brown gel. My cats loved it.

Back to Betty. She won't use the kitty pan, but won't mess in the house. She picks at my toes in the morning until I wake and let her out. Betty loves outside and loves air-conditioning too. She is scratching the door about 11. Damn dog taught her that trick. She plays with everything including the dog, cats and monkey.
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