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Old 05-25-2004, 11:36 AM   #1
I can hear my ears
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 25,571
when faith fails

Today, I had the uncomfortable chore of telling a woman that her loan was declined. It's what I do, and I'm used to it. It kind of sucks to tell someone why the bank(s) have declined them.

this particular woman had 2 seperate dismissed (not discharged)chapter13 bankrupcies, a foreclosure, and a automobile charge off. As if that was not bad enough, she only makes 1375/month, and pays 475/mo in rent. On the face of it, this woman has no business attempting to take on new debt that she simply cannot afford to repay.

When I told her that the three banks that I use that would occaisionall entertain that kind of application had turned her down, she asked if there were other banks I could send it to. I said, "yes, there are a few more banks I use, but none of them are going to approve it." i've been doing this long enough to know what I'm working with, and this one was not even close to qualifying.

"but I'm a born again Christian"


She repeated this several times, until I stopped her and asked what that had to do with anything. So she starts lecturing me about how god parted the red sea for moses, and how sure she was that he would see this loan through for her. i asked her twice politely to stop preaching to me. she just kept going and gathering steam. Finally, I asked her to leave.

She seemed surprised. I said, I come here to work, and do my job. my job is to try to get you approved. Do not push YOUR religion on me.
" well, you DO believe that Jesus is the lord, don;t you?'


another lecture begins. I stopped her, and she says, " are you discriminating against me? because I am trying to tell you that the lord works in mysterious ways, and i had a dream where god told me that i would get a white pt cruiser as a reward for taking care of my sick mother"

I said " are you kidding me? I'm saying that with 2 bank...."
" oh, no. please don;t tell me anything negative. I can;t hear it"

she actually said that.

So, seeing that i had already lost 30 minutes of my day to her, and she could obviously go all day, i said," listen, If for some reason this loan gets approved...and I'll send it to 4 more banks for you....then I promise you that I will take a step closer to the LORD."

well didn;t she just light up like a glow worm.

I meant it too. it would take a fucking miracle.

this, OC, mrnoodle, is what I mean when I say that people like this are delusional.

GOD is NOT going to lend her the money. If she had invested more worth in paying her bills, she wouldnt have to rely on a miracle. Born again. too bad her credit wasn't born again, too.

btw, the other 4 banks declined the loan, too.

she's going to call me at 3 o'clock, and I'll have to break it to her. She is so sure that it will be approved, I'm dreading telling her. This is the only part of my job that I dislike. She seems like a nice person.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion ~MJKeenan
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