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Old 05-25-2004, 06:23 PM   #27
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 96
Originally posted by TheLorax
When did America become the land of the oppressors and opportunists, when did we go from the people who freed Dachau to the people who thought it would be great fun to sexually assault people who are handcuffed and take pictures of it? When did America become a bunch of weak-minded thugs looking to oppress anyone who disagreed with them. ... We’re the richest, most powerful nation on earth and it would seem that we’ve become a bunch of assholes.
Maybe I'm more optimistic than I should be, but I still believe that most Americans, when confronted with the simple, unvarnished truth about a given situation, will make the fair, decent and rational choice. The greatest obstacles to that happening are the influence generated, the interference run, the obfuscation created, and the misinformation supplied, by the powers that be behind the scenes - those with a tremendous financial interest in things going along pretty much as they have been in recent years.

Our foreign policy is no longer in the hands of learned statemen, even to the extent that it ever was. The fate of American servicemen is now in the hands of White House policy wonks with their own agendas - and to a great extent, they have made every American a target for the World's outrage. Every criticism is deflected with spin, knee-jerk denial, ridicule and outright lying, and no one is ever held accountable for the truth.
It is foolish for a man to say that he has all of the answers before he is certain that he has heard all of the questions.
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