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Old 10-31-2018, 08:11 AM   #364
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
The people could have ended it themselves right when it began if only they hadn't been conned by Hillary and her propagandist supporters.
Wacko extremism is talking. You and your politics of hate (so often expressed here) justify massacres. Timothy McVeigh also had similar beliefs.

We know this. As guns increase, the number of shootings and murders increase. More guns mean more deaths and massacres. Since the most emotional children among us need those guns - so as to not be dissed.

Even armed guards in Columbine and other massacres could not avert the massacre. One parishioner with a concealed gun could have stopped five minutes of constant military assault gunfire? BTW, most were shot in the back of their head. So everyone had plenty of time to fire one shot and end it all? More bullshit encouraged by The Don.

Reality once we replace gun hyped logic with honesty. Since so many adults are only children, then more guns means more arguments settled in gunfire. He forgets lessons well proven in history. But he loves lies such as Trump's. Sexobon prefers hate promoted by Trump. And he has not denied it.

Since so many adults are still children, then a first 'hate' read on Facebook must be true. They (adults who are still children - not moderates) are why Facebook has created so many problems. So all, inspired by Trump hate on Facebook, should carry more guns.

The obvious solution here is to equip everyone with 155mm howitzers. More firepower means safer streets - Sexobon's reasoning. When reality is denied, then a wacko, dumb Trump supporter is identified. He should be apologizing here for Trump. He won't. He loves what is happening because it "Makes America Great". When a penis does the thinking. No wonder he loves Trump - who cannot keep his penis in his pants.

Sexbon strongly supports Donald Trump's praise of KKK, White Supremacists, and Nazis in Charlotte. It was good that they protected a statue promoting racism. That somehow "Makes America Great". Who needed more guns to shoot at moderates? KKK, White Supremacists, and Nazis.

Everyone should carry military assault rifles since Trump says so - Sexobon's reasoning. Sexobon - be informed that a pizza shop in Washington was not promoting The Don's fictional pedophilia. So keep your guns at home where they do more good.. Scumbag extremists love the hate he promotes - including murder of anyone on Fifth Avenue. Just another reason why we need more guns. To make murders on Fifth Ave easier.

Notice how Sexobon is never critical of this scumbag president.
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