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Old 11-02-2018, 08:20 PM   #14
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The second is "the narrative," which gives someone permission to use violence. Kruglanski said the narrative is usually that there is an enemy attacking your group, and the radical must fight to gain or maintain respect, honor or glory.
Putting a bigger gun in their hands amplifies justification of that narrative. Guns change a mindset especially of those with tendencies to become a radicalized extremist.

Notice who is doing all this killing - in Parkland, Sandy Hook, Columbine, Oklahoma City, Miami Beach, Las Vegas, Charleston, UC Santa Barbara, mail bombs from FL, Washington DC, Alturas CA, etc. Almost every mass killing is by whites (mostly men) who are American citizens. Completely missing from a list of villains are Latinos. But an asshole president has told our wackos that these illegal immigrants are coming here to murder us all. Hate and fear works on adults who are still children.

That fear (that is popular among wacko right wing extremists - and not wacko left wing extremists) is even widely believed in Duluth, MN - about as far away from the border as one can get. In a town that has almost no immigrants. So hate is easily promoted there.

Who are most dangerous? Not illegal immigrants. Not green card holders. White American citizens - overwhelmingly those who are educated by wacko extremists such as Laura Ingalls, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Sean Hannity, Breitbart, etc.

What do they most need to defend themselves from unarmed people? Military assault weapons. Possession of these only increases a desire to "Screw the optics. I'm going in".

Once we remove lies from The Don and his disciples, then America's greatest threats come from white American citizens. Big guns make their actions easier to justify.

Last edited by tw; 11-02-2018 at 08:32 PM.
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