Thread: voting
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Old 11-10-2018, 12:34 PM   #50
henry quirk
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"If you look at it another way, most regulation is just agreeing on the complaint/merit beforehand."

Based on *one-size-fits-all precedent.

Nah, that doesn't suck at all, Toad.


"Indeed. That was what I was trying to get at originally."

No it wasn't, HM. You were just applyin' a dull razor to my notions: that's it, that's all, g'night Gracie.


Me, not seein' how "get off my back and let me be" connects or leads to or is related to 'private regulation'. Conflatin' & besmirchin': that's tw's game, Toad.


"private regulation"

Nuthin' wrong with private regulations (like how 'you' run your household, for example) as long as private doesn't trump public (which, in the minimal 'night watchman' affair I propose, is **minimal but encompassing).


"gated communities"

If dumbasses wanna live in 'em, that's on them. Leave folks to their self-selected hells, I say


"I'm not sure there is a simply applied concept for teasing out individual cases..."

Of course there is, Griff.


"When it comes to interstate (commerce) federal is the only solution"

Of course not, Bruce.

*largely arrived at through the machinations of shysters (well-paid parasites)

**for latecomers, the memory-challenged, and the plain-ass retarded:

'Mind your own business and keep your hands to yourself (or else).

...out from which extends:

'Self and property are sacred.'

'Self-defense and common defense are a justification for violence.'

'A contract is a contract.'
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