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Old 11-24-2018, 07:22 PM   #438
henry quirk
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"This discounts the realization by others of the value of a good government."

By 'their' standards: probably.

By my standards: nope.

Good government is minimal, weak, under heel, manned by proxies.

To get to 'that' what we have 'now' has to be beaten black and blue like a hooker on a Saturday night. It has to be castrated like a child-rapin' priest oughta be. It has to be shackled in the basement, fed week-old roadkill and hauled out only to chop wood and fetch water.

Government should rightfully be our bitch.

Trump is a (not 'the') awkward means to that, a halting step in the right direction; he's a blunt instrument, a jagged piece of shit-covered glass.

I'm sure you disagree with my notions about government and how I assess Trump.

That's okay. Don't be a 'tw' and I got no beef with you.
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