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Old 11-26-2018, 06:06 PM   #447
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
First indications of a recession are apparent. First to suffer will be the least innovative companies operated to make profits; not a better product.

GM is spending about $1billion more each year for steel because the scumbag Don wants to protect least productie (not innovative) industries - ie steel manufacturer.

That stupidity combined with bad designing over the past 20 years means GM must now fire 15% of its white collar employees and shut five assembly plants. The Don will deny he made it worse - because he is only preaching to brainwashed supporters - who will deny facts.

This problem is easily seen in one of the world's crappiest cars - Chevy Volt.

Clinton spend $millions in 1994 so that GM could have a world first hybrid in 1999. The Precept was canceled by Donald Trump type dummies (ie John Smith and Rick Wagoner) because George Jr said hybrid innovation was from Clinton - so it must be evil.

Business school graduates hate anything that is innovative. That will only increase costs. So they killed all hybrids to increase profits. Patriotic American companies (all foreign manufacturers) even in Asia and Europe made hybrids. Finally GM created the Chevy Volt in 2010. How many years to finally do what Honda and Toyota sold in 2001? Worse, a Chevy Volt engine cannot even recharge its battery. It is that Donald Trump dumb.

Since business school graduates (not product people) designed GM products 10 and 20 years ago, then cars like the Volt mean more and massive losses and employee firings. GM product are so bad that GM even needs V-8 engines.

A problem only made worse by The Don who has no idea what makes a business profitable. Wacko extremist is so dumb as to erect tariffs to further destroy American jobs. This is only a precursor to what is coming.

So many facts say a recession has started. George Jr did same in 2001 (destroy a Clinton economy) to create a massive downturn in 2007. That is how depressions and recessions happen.

Of course extremists will deny this. The current Obama economy is being harmed. Wackos do not like their hero being accurately described as dumb - and a daily liar.

GM simply demonstrates what has already started in other industries - in part due to obvious lies and harm created by a business school graduate.

Plans submitted this year for housing developments in four years have slowed to a trickle in many counties. Another fact that says, "Here comes the Trump economy".
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