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Old 12-12-2018, 03:20 PM   #58
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Context matters and so does intent.

Of the several things that put me off Dave (that guy I dated for a few months after being friends for about 3 years)was an occasion where being into me tripped over into being a creep.

I had the flu - I felt wretched so I called him to say I didn't really feel up to getting together that day. We hadn;t planned anything major - we were just going to hook up, maybe go get a meal and then land back at his.

He showed up at my door with a bunch of flu remedies and a hot water bottle - this was very sweet of him. It wasn't what i wanted but it was very sweet. He persuaded me to go back to his place with him and he would look after me - he said we won't do anything, just chill and watch some movies under a duvet.

Like a fuckwit I thought he was being genuinely solicitous and would not pester me for sex.

We were 30 minutes into the movie and he made his first attempt to french kiss me and slip his hand under the duvet - I pulled away and said, seriously i don;t want to do anything, I feel horrible and absolutely not in the mood. He backed off for about 30 minutes then tried again. Again I said no - I explained I really really didn't feel up to anything like that. I didn't feel sexy, I felt shit and getting jiggy was the last thing I wanted at that moment.

This time he waited for about an hour before trying again.

None of that was for me. It was all for him. It was among the final nails in the coffin.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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