Thread: Brexit
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Old 01-07-2019, 07:43 PM   #7
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May is playing possum politics. Do nothing to get something. She is playing cards without even closest advisers knowing what she is holding and what her strategy is. But we can easily speculate. By doing nothing (and because so many other British politicians in all parties are not acting as leaders), then she hopes her plan remains the only plan.

She is counting on nobody standing up for Britain and calling for a new referendum. Based upon inaction by all parties (except the SNP) due to so much dissention, then Britain is stuck with May's bad deal.

Any pound that went to the EU resulted in massively more assets in return. Do to how spread sheets measure, a massive value from being in the EU cannot be measured. That value will be lost starting with and not limited to job losses.

Brexit makes no sense. But Britain has a serious shortage of leadership. So a decision is only being made by emotions - resulting in inaction.

Apparently that is how PM May is playing it. Which explains so much silence about a looming tidal wave called Brexit. Things get quiet just before that wave strikes.
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