Thread: Brexit
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Old 01-15-2019, 05:26 PM   #13
Read? I only know how to write.
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An obviously incompetent Prime Minister was expected to lose a Brexit vote. Nobody expected how dumb those Brexit supporters are. Parliament voted over 2 to 1 against a Brexit deal. Even British citizens, who voted for Brexit, should apologize for being so easily brainwashed by British wacko extremists. A vote against Brexit was widespread across almost all British political parties. Because a majority saw Brexit as a scam.

Notice those (ie Boris Johnson) who most advocated for destruction to the British economy have disappeared - have become scarce.

May would have been smarter to rename herself Elaine and then write comedies. Instead she decided to align herself with Britain's least educated citizens who even promote hate of immigrants. This resulting conclusion was one sided obvious and stated here so many times for how long? Because the stupidity called Brexit was always that obvious.

That vote was suppose to happen on 11 Dec. May delayed it so as to make more deals. Instead, opposition to Brexit increased in all parties. Even many in May's own Conservative party voted against Brexit. Brexit was always that stupid.

Many options exist. But three viable ones are May resigns, Britian hold an emergency referendum on Brexit, or Britain suffer the worst possible penalties by going through with Brexit and suffering major job losses.

Amazing how the people to suffer most from Brexit - the Midlanders - so wanted this. To paraphrase another, "Of course she's a lyin' motherfucker, I didn't hire her to be honest, I hired her to wreck shit."

Wacko extremism is not limited to America.
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