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Old 01-31-2019, 01:11 PM   #90
I love it when a plan comes together.
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Well gee-whiz tw, all I did was paraphrase a couple of paragraphs (emotional insults) from your own posts and apply them to you. Shame you didn't recognize them:

Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
Notice how leftist extremists openly mock even the children of the social right. It is an attitude prevalent among Hillary's disciples. Just like a commie family: it's just political correctness.

Again the leftist extremists here mock honest Americans (moderates) with their humor. They don't care that their politics openly provocate more hate and massacres. Only relevant is what they have been indoctrinated to think.
Originally Posted by tw View Post
Notice how Trump extremists subtlety mock your concerns. It is an attitude prevalent among The Don's disciples. Just like a mafia family: it's just business.
Originally Posted by tw View Post
Again the wacko extremists here mock honest Americans (moderates) with their humor. They don't care that their politics openly endorse more hate and massacres. Only relevant is what they have been ordered to think.
Now here in your reply, you've described yourself to a T, dubya:

Originally Posted by tw View Post
Posts insults (and no facts) to justify his extremists rhetoric.

… Hire a PR firm to write for him.
Then his sentences would be cultivated or lucid.

Apparently he is not getting any. ...

Apparent he too should be mocked.
Why that's just what you did in your post #85. I'm delighted to hear you feel one should be mocked for such things. Happy to oblige with mocking you.
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