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Old 02-02-2019, 12:05 PM   #6
Fucktard Resistance League
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
A piece of paper is a fine method.

Here's what the pros do... it's inferior to paper, in a lot of ways.

Use the Keepass password manager

This manager uses a secure database file; you enter one password to be able to read that database file. So, instead of having 50 passwords, you have one password to remember, the password to that database file.

Problem: if you lose that database file, you lose all your passwords.

Solution: put the file on a cloud drive.*

Then, you can install the iPhone/Android Keepass port, and tell the app to use the database file from the cloud**. At that point, you have your passwords available on desktop and on your phone, and you can update the database from either location. (Just remember to hit SAVE.)

*You should probably back up the database file locally anyway, in case you don't trust your cloud provider or, more likely, you manage to mungle the file in some other way.

One good way to back up the file is to just print all your passwords. Put the printout wherever you used to keep the paper with all your passwords on it.

**I'm not sure all apps work with all cloud drive providers. Check with your app to see what it supports.
So complicated!

As for the cloud - I don't trust that shit as far as I can throw it. I put NOTHING on the cloud. I don't understand all the techno stuff to start with, so I have tons of questions.

Where is this cloud exactly? Who controls it? Who has access to my personal shit? If they break my personal shit, do they guarantee repairs or compensation? Doesn't the cloud work by sharing internet resources? Do I want my shit shared? Do I NEED my shit shared? And what about hacking or phishing or whatever? Big companies that use the cloud have data breaches all the freakin' time. My computer/data has never been breached, as far as I can tell. And aren't there viruses roaming around out there in the ether?

You know, I know precisely where my shit is at all times - behind firewalls and encrypted and virus protected and securely sealed and Lifelocked in a computer in a little house in the woods in butthole Washington. And that's where I'm gonna keep it. They'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands!

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