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Old 02-10-2019, 10:03 AM   #126
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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What do ya call these things?

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It's a garage, of sorts, covered with a tarp-like material. I thought it was framed with PVC pipes, but they're steel, I believe. I call 'em fake garages.

Anyway, Asshole Neighbor (the loud one, not the kittehnapper) got one to cover aaalllll the vehicles they have to have.

He's had it about two months. As you can see, the wind took issue with the structure. Actually, what you can see left of it, left with the most recent stiff breeze. I'm not sure that Beemer has any paint left on the passenger side. What was left of the roof flapped and beat against it in the wind for about two weeks. He don't know where the first bunch of wall/roof went, and he don't know where what was left went when it left, either. All that's left is the skeleton.

I damn near danced when I saw it tore to hell that morning. I don't usually revel in others' misfortune, because Karma, but this is a special situation.

Got any idea what those things cost?

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