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Old 02-11-2019, 12:05 PM   #144
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
When I see a slow internet connection like that, I always think back to the old dial-up 56K connection and how that was the super duper fast connection of the day. I got my start on a 300 baud rate modem where you put the phone in the little cradle. It was my dad's Heathkit terminal he built to connect to the college mainframe.

I don't know the conversion. Maybe Google can help me, how many Mbps was 300 baud?


This is confusing. It's the whole stupid MB is actually 1024 Bytes, not 1000 Bytes math always messes me up.

But I found a site that talks about the speed to send a 1M file over different services.

300 baud took 27,962 sec (or a week and most of a day) to send 1 MB.

My current service is 75 Mbps and while I can't find 75 Mbps at the site, I can find 100Mbps and take 75% of that. 75 Mbps will transfer a 1 MB file in 0.06 seconds.

My current speed is 466,033.3 times faster than the first speed I ever experienced.
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