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Old 02-25-2019, 11:47 PM   #1
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Originally Posted by Gravdigr View Post
Well done, Capt. Philthy!

A few questions:

What (plane) were ya flying there? What kind of takeoff/cruise speeds are we talking? What is your personal favorite part of a trip like that? How fast can ya get that particular plane off the ground, y'know, if screaming passengers didn't bother ya?

I like these little clips like this, thanks for putting them up.
I fly 2 Hawker 800A's that are in our fleet, the video above is in triple 7 and both have the same t/o speeds which we get depending on weight, temperature, and altitude.

If I remember right, for this trip, we were roughly at 25,000 lbs and the temperature was hovering around 10 degrees C (maybe a little cooler) and close enough to sea level to use the associated chart (or "tab data" to get our takeoff speeds. In this case with flaps 15 degrees: V1/Vr = 129, V2 = 132, Vfto = 164, and Venr = 176
(V1 = decision speed, Vr = Rotate, V2 = single engine takeoff speed, Vfto = single engine gradient climb speed , Venr = single engine en-route climb speed.

Favorite part of the trip(s)? All of them seriously, take off is a rush advancing the throttles and feeling the acceleration but also is a great approach to landing too - so I'd say it's a tie between both take off and landing.

Take off distance depends on the same variables as with the above V speeds. On our "tab data" chart is also runway length required, which in the example above, we require 5000 feet to safely take off. Do we use 5000? No, not quite, but we will use a good portion of it. I've taken triple seven off of a 5000 ft runway in the Bahamas and we used probably on the better side of 75% of that runway.

Glad you like the vids! It's a total hoot "working" this job, I never thought I'd be paid to do my passion! Sorry it takes me so long to get back but my schedule is freakin' crazy! Juggling flying, teaching, engineering and one other task that takes up a ton of time - I don't have any left hardly, but that's ok, it beats the alternative to what I was doing 4 years ago - I'll take it any day!
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