Thread: Weird News
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Old 03-25-2019, 12:04 PM   #4047
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
Posts: 39,517
My viewpoint comes from an incident that happened a few years ago in the next town over.

Well known local guy stopped to help a couple with their hood up on the side of the road. It was an ambush robbery. When the good guy got out to help, the man pulled out a knife and started stabbing, the woman grabbed the man around his legs so he couldn't get away from the bad guy. They took his wallet out of his pants while he lay in the road bleeding to death. This happened on a main street of the town, a state highway.

The killers put their hood down and drove away and were never caught.

It had been ~20 years since the last outright murder in that town.

It's situations like that that keep my head on a swivel, and Sturm, Ruger & Company close at hand.

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