Thread: Bitcoin
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Old 04-03-2019, 01:55 PM   #5
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally Posted by tw View Post
...Too many foolishly see all government as evil.
Yah, that's me. I'm that guy. Am I a fool? Maybe. A guy in Tampa called me a fool months ago. Actually he called me a foo.

Not evil but corrupt. Here are the rules. They are for YOU but not for the government. These rules are for the benefit of society. Except when they make government people rich. Then they're just rules you have to follow while I'm looting the country and smiling on TV. Talking about how much I'm doing for YOU?

But I could do more if only you'd give me more money.

Originally Posted by tw View Post
Some governments are.
Like Russia.

Originally Posted by tw View Post
In productive societies, government is a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ never part of a solution.
There we go. That's better.

Originally Posted by tw View Post
..Federal Reserve bank is a perfect example. Countries with the most stable currencies all over the world have Central Banks.
Does Zimbabwe have a central bank?

Originally Posted by slang View Post
..It's amusing to me that every government is "concerned" about fraud. Government is the source of fraud. They invented fraud. They don't want to lose control of the game that they rigged in their favor. That's every government to some degree.
I wrote that. It's a slang quote, not out of a book. Not yet anyway.

When I wright a book, I'll put that quote in it. It's a good quote. That's a good quote for China. Maybe it can be translated for my Chinese version of my book.

There is an ATM in Manila that sells Bitcoin and Litecoin for peso notes. It's the only one in the country so far. It doesn't buy coins, just sells.

500000P limit per day. No ID required either.

Do you think Trump's an asshole for wanting to dismantle the Fed?

Do you think Trump has some Bitcoin? That Putin gave him. With no traces to it? So he can pay for some TitBounce?

I wonder what you might pay for in Bitcoin in Manila. Legal stuff, I mean.

I wonder if you can pay a woman for an NDA in Bitcoin? Would it be enforceable?

How much Viagra could you buy with a whole Bitcoin? Not that I need that stuff, just wondering.

I wonder if you jammed a Bitcoin up a horses ass what the process time would be? Would it get faster or slower than normal? What would the blockchain do differently? Could you buy some gambling chips with it?

Does wifi even work from inside a horse's ass? Now there's a good question. That might be a good place to hide your Bitcoin. You might call it Horasscoin or maybe just asscoin. But what problem would it solve?

Maybe someone is working that out now. I'll look on the exchange for it.
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