Thread: Bitcoin
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Old 04-03-2019, 04:43 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by slang View Post
Do you think Trump's an asshole for wanting to dismantle the Fed?
An honest answer will never be discovered when one concludes using wacko extremist concepts of 'good vs evil'. When one does not first learn the so many details that separate the few corrupt from far more numerous responsible parties.

Were Central Banks evil when they created / enhanced the Great Depression in 1929? Of course not. Only fools see everything in 'good vs evil'. The Central Bank (and Hoover) made a major mistake. There was no evil. There was a serious mistake that took ten years to undo. And that we study so as to never make that mistake again.

BTW, same mismanagement (including tax cuts) in / after 2000 created a massive economic calamity in 2007 that took most of the next eight years to resolve / recover from. Was that evil? Of course not. But the mistake we all made was listen to corrupt business school graduates. Since sub-prime loans and derivatives to create free cash (a ponzi scheme) were somehow good because it was unregulated.

The naive, who see everything in 'good vs evil', were same people so easily targeted by my father. So many Americans then knew that smoking cigarettes increased health. Many people are not officer material. So they see everything in soundbytes. They know only because they were told what to think - also called brainwashing.

An informed consumer learns underlying details long before making an extremist conclusion.

We know Bitcoin will not accomplish what you want it to do. Strangely enough, Bitcoin is popular among those whose criminal activities are justified by hate of government, other religions, leaders who constantly lie, etc. Apparently that (and not improving economic activity) is related to your underlying agenda.

First indication of the most corrupt are those who routinely accuse other groups of being evil. That is how Hitler, Milosevic, Kim, and even Nixon came to or maintained power. Government is not evil. It is necessary for a productive society. That does not mean people such as Cheney will not manipulate government for a self serving agenda.

Obviously the existence of a Central Bank cannot prevent a Mugabe or Maduro. Your logic - blame a Central Bank for that corruption. Please don't mock me with that wacko extremist logic. A central bank cannot prevent corrupt leaders. But a Central Bank has been repeatedly proven essential for a stable currency.

Throughout history, currencies that remain most stable are maintained by a Central Bank. We know government must be part of a solution. Which flies in the face of extremists who are told by Hitler, Mussolini, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh what to believe. Extremists never bother to learn details or ask why. They only want to be told what to believe. Then just know something must be true because it agrees with their political biases.

I heard same nonsense from so many Bernie Sanders supporters during the Democratic Convention. Details quickly identified them as extremist. Told what to believe rather than first learn how things work.

Again, it is no accident that Bitcoin is popular among the anti-everyone else extremists. Bitcoin cannot even do what credit cards do to advance mankind. It is seriously flawed for so many reasons - many already identified.

Only a wacko extremist sees all government as evil. Fails to learn that the most successful societies existed when government was doing its job.
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