Thread: DIY Deck
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Old 05-07-2019, 10:12 PM   #186
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Thirty-six individual pictures comprise one 360 panorama. The Pixel I have does most of the work. I hold the camera upright and level and press the start button. It gives me a white dot to encircle with a ring on the screen. There are five horizontal bands of these dots. Twelve around the equator, three at each pole and nine around each band between the equator and the pole. 3+9+12+9+3=36.

The camera takes the picture when I encircle the dot, I don't have to press any buttons. As you get closer to the dot you're moving toward, the dot turns blue. When you have it centered in the ring the dot disappears and the picture of that angle appears. At the end of all the pictures, it beeps and starts stitching them together in the background, leaving the camera free for more pictures.

I usually need a second to recover after spinning around five times in place while looking at my phone.

It's a panorama now, but it takes special software to view it. The phone has it built in, and so does Google photos through a browser. To share it out with you guys, I found panoraven, which you've all seen by now. I use the free version.
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