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Old 05-27-2019, 12:53 PM   #9
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Stop dodging and weaving and simply, logically, answer the question.
You are on trial for posting similar lies that also proved Saddam had WMDs. You even denied reality after George Jr admitted it was a lie.

Stop ignoring reality. Comcast was caught subverting internet traffic. Data Transporters must transport all data irregardless of its content. And since you do not get it, data transporters must transport data regardless of content - since that makes the internet successful and productive. Separation of data transporters and content providers make free market competition work. Extremists hate that.

Comcast can increase profits by subverting net neutrality. They even got some (people who can even be brainwashed by Fox News, Donald Trump, and Cheney lies) to believe that is good.

Answer the question. Why do you so hate free markets as to even want to destroy net neutrality? Why do you preach a mantra from Comcast to increase their profits? Why do you deny that net neutrality made the internet successful. Do you hate net neutrality (like an extremist) because Clinton's 1996 successful legislation made a previously stifled internet possible and successful? Clinton did it. So it must be wrong?

That destruction is what extremists advocate with propaganda (lies). Why do you hate free markets? Why do you constantly preach what Fox News, et al order you to believe?

Comcast is quite good at getting others to pay more by subverting net neutrality. Even Netflix conceded to their strongarm tactics. Net neutrality means Comcast must invest profits into their network rather than in Philadelphia's tallest skyscrapers, NBC, mobile phone companies, Universal Studios, sport teams, and who knows what else. Destroying net neutrality explains why Americans now pay so much for diminished service. UT says this is good.

Answer the question. Why do you recite monopolistic propaganda from extremists - and not the concepts that made America great? Did you not learn after "Saddam's WMD" lies that extremist propaganda explains your mistakes then - and now? Even after George Jr admitted it was a lie, you continued to preach right wing extremist rhetoric - refused to admit Saddam did not have those WMDs. Continued to believe Fox News, et al lies.

Answer the question. Why do you so hate free market competition. And rules that make that successful? And BTW, not apologize for mistakenly advocating the massacre of 5000 American servicemen in Iraq for no useful purpose. Extremists even lied about that. Why do you so hate net neutrality and resulting free market competition - as advocated by extremists? Why do you hate free markets made possible when and because laws created net neutrality?
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