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Old 06-11-2019, 10:33 AM   #157
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by fargon View Post
What happened?
Companies like Comcast no longer need invest in their network to provide upgraded service. They now charge Netflix, et al to pay for it.

As UT fails to grasp, such changes take many years or decades to be apparent to consumers.

A continued increase in prices will be paid for by the consumers who paying increased prices for Netflix. Comcast now has excessive cash to buy into more industries. (ie Universal Studios, sport teams, satellites, Fox, mobile phone companies, NBC, real estate (skyscrapers), retail industry).

Destruction of net neutrality massively enriches the data transporters. And protects a duopoly; making it impossible for innovative companies to get into the business. Resulting bad economic effects become obvious 10 and 20 years later. UT would have us believe it should happen in one.

Massively higher rates for internet today are a result of regulation changes in 2001 to enrich / entrench the duopoly. With free market competition, we would have 100 Mb internet for $20 per month. Better service for a lower price. Then Comcast would not be buying up sport teams and TV networks. Instead they would invest in their business.
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