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Old 06-25-2019, 06:05 PM   #2031
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
It's that time of year again - the Mid Year performance Review.

Which means I have to complete my mid-year performance self-review - which is fucking bullshit. I never know what to write. The software itself is clunky and unintuitive - the way they phrase the section headings and explanations are an exercise in corporate nonsense. They keep fucking changing the goalposts on what exactly they want us to do, so half the frikkin goals set at the start of the year are now obsolete or we just don't have the individual figures for it.

the free form goals are worse - because you have to try and think in their fucking language.

So - there's the 'What' section where you talk about what you've done - examples of things you think reflect well, and which demonstrate the company goals and aspirations (all very woolly, like 'shout out and make it better', 'love simplicity' and 'better every day') and then there's the 'How' section, where you talk about how you approach things, how you've achieved things, what you've done to demonstrate some other goals and aspirations.

One day, I would like to answer as follows:

..... I did my job

..... To the best of my ability.
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