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Old 07-10-2019, 01:53 AM   #1
Fucktard Resistance League
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 1.14 acres of heaven
Posts: 1,512
As a pet owner and pet sitter, I dread the 4th of July and New Years Eve celebrations.

This year, I had a kitty-sitting job in a nearby town. When I turned onto the client's street, I was confronted with a freakin' war zone of drunken parents swilling beer as their 10-year-olds set and lit big firecrackers/mortars in the middle of the street.

As I carefully wove my way around and through the pyrotechnics set up in the middle of the road, I heard "Get out of here, asshole!" and "You don't live in this neighborhood, bitch!"

First time I was ever afraid for my own safety while doing a pet-sitting job. Hell, this was first time I was ever afraid for my own safety at all here in WA state. I called the cops, and one arrived within 10 minutes offering to escort me out of the little housing development to safety. "There's nothing I can do to stop them," the cop told me. "It's the 4th of July."

Yeah, fuck that.
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