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Old 08-03-2019, 04:38 PM   #4
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
Patriots first learn facts. Then have a conclusion. Extremist know only because a central committee of the communist party orders them to believe the party line.

Moderates make conclusions only after learning facts. Extremists call honest fact sources "fake news". A central committee has ordered them what to believe.

Roger Ailes did that every morning. His people were told in the 8 AM meeting what the party line would be on Fox News for that day. Moderates don't waste time there.

Fox could not even maintain their "Fair and Balanced" slogan. Roger Ailes' agenda told extremist only one viewpoint. Since extremists only want to be told immediately what to preach - ie by 140 character sound bites

Extremists routinely use a tldr expression when something is more than a paragraph. Learning from multiple paragraphs is too hard. Extremists (Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK, Trump supporters) only want to be told what to parrot.

What did Fox News order us to believe? See many henry quirk posts. Parroted (sometimes word for word) from Fox, et al.
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