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Old 06-03-2004, 08:10 AM   #5
stalking a Tom
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: on the edge of the english channel
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Given that last time I looked my balls were the size of two disadvantaged peanuts, and the fact that Griff made a hell of a lot of sense (isn't it funny how blind you can be when in the midst of an emotional situation) I think I'll leave off telling him for now.

True, TS, you've only got my irrational, twisted and emotionally charged account of events. But given that I cannot impact the actual situation (ie cannot alter other peoples feelings) the only thing I can change is myself and that is what I guess I am looking for help with. I wouldn't presume to be able to solve the situation, but I can tailor my psychological response to it to minimise the trauma. Just got a bit stuck and found myself drowning.

Don't hold back, if you think I'm being a pathetic spineless weak-willed typically erratic emotion-led woman please say so. It might help.

edited for... doesn't matter
I've decided I'm not going to have a signature anymore.
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