Thread: Marsy's Law
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Old 11-03-2019, 07:53 AM   #9
Read? I only know how to write.
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Unfortunately that is classic propaganda. It orders me how to think. It does not say why. It does not include the perspectives that must always exist in any honest statement. It is a soundbyte - woefully too short.

It makes blanket statements without the many reasons why that must be included after each paragraph. It is classic propaganda that does not meet any of the requirements for honesty. It is loaded with strawmen.

We know that right wingers say you have no Constitutional right to privacy. So why do so many insist on having their privacy protected? You have no right to privacy according to that 'we will tell you what to think' conclusion. First paragraph about one's rights is a classic example of a strawman. Everybody at one point or another makes that blanket statement when it is convenient to manipulate their followers ... who are waiting to be told how to think.

That article clearly does not honestly answer my questions. It is no different than reasoning used to justify the Mission Accomplished or Vietnam wars. It plays on emotions. And does not promote a single honest fact that says why.

Who is pushing all this? And why? What really is the objective? What really is the problem that must be solved? All not answered.

Too few facts. That article is a classic example. Apparently no investigative research. And not enough time for any sort of analysis to be disseminated.
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