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Old 03-19-2020, 09:47 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Correction WUHAN China is reporting no new cases. All of China reports 34 new cases.
However they have threatened all new reporters by even throwing out all Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and Washington Post reporters. Apparently because those reporters demonstrated some serious under reporting.

But the WHO is not being critical. So it appears they have finally got something under control. It could just be that 60% to 70% were infected and recovered already.

Necessary are test (current not being done) to determine who had the virus (now only have antibodies). So much science remains to be done.

Meanwhile, two classic case studies need consideration. Italy was about as prepared as anyone else. Even quarantines in North Italy failed to stop a spread to the south. (Strangely it did not spread North into Austria.) Something more is at play here. They have asked for and received Doctors from China to visit and advise.

Other example is Japan that had few cases. Again, what was unique in Japan? Some suggest a population that was properly trained during Sars and Mers potential pandemic. But that is only speculation. Something to learn from those two extreme examples.

Clearly not explained is why so many top doctors and other health industry officials in Iran constantly claimed Covid-19 was only a another cold virus. And not a problem. Their total denial, even after so many top doctors and Health minister were sickened, reeks of leaders driven by religion instead of politics or science.

Italy has a highest illness per capita number. Significantly higher than China. But Iran may be the world's sickest nation - or quickly getting there.
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