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Old 03-20-2020, 03:08 PM   #11
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
This Twitter thread compiles the media and scientific reaction to Trump's 1/31 announcement announcement barring entry into the U.S. from China.
That Lindsay tweet says exactly where her brain in located. In the part that children use.

We know he lies constantly. But then he cannot help himself. As Steve Bannon so clearly stated, Trump has a 30 second attention span. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee noted, the White House was effectively an "adult day care center." He was not wrong. Sec of State Tillerson accurately called him a moron. Using facts that said why.

So why would Lindsay blame everyone else - the educated people? Moderates (people who make decisions from facts; not from emotions) would never be as brainwashed as Lindsay clearly is. She blames others whose attention span far greater than 30 seconds. Who are actually educated. That tweet does not belong in any discussion among adults.

Only a wacko extremist, who automatically believes a man who lies every day, would so insult the intelligent of patriotic Americans. She loves the moron because he insults, demeans, and lies - just like Pol Pot, Milosevic, and any good communist. But then he is educated where business is only about enriching yourself at the expense of all counter parties. Again, communism.
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