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Old 05-01-2020, 10:25 AM   #8
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Buckinghamshire UK
Posts: 4,059
1) Do you have a copy of your birth certificate?

Oh, yes. Can't remember when I last needed to produce it, though.

2) ?


3) Pelicans or Penguins?

Penguins. No one has yet produced a chocolate covered Pelican.

4) What color is your face mask (fask)?

White. Dad's is blue to avoid confusion.

5) Which dead celebrity would you revive and invite to dinner at your house with everyone who lives there? -just one celebrity

I'll get back to you...

7) Favorite vegetable to eat raw?


8) What's your biggest achievement so far this year?

Surviving until 1st May.

F) When you get the post/mail, what do you open/deal with first?

Anything with an address window and/or from HMRC. It's the fear factor, you know.

9) You get to rename one famous building. Which one and what would you call it?

The London Stock Exchange will be renamed the Sock Exchange. It might make it marginally more interesting. There again...

10) How annoying is my cat right now?

You're asking a dyed in the wool dog man?

11) Will beards go out of fashion this year?

Only on women.

11) Musk or Zuckerberg?


12) What is your favorite word to deliberately mis-say or mispronounce?

13) Who will save us?

No-one. We're all doomed, doomed I tell ya.
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