Thread: Axis of evil
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Old 02-05-2002, 09:05 PM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
So tempting to weigh in but fuckit.
Ill just point out
a: The US provoked Japan into war deliberately.

Nic, I know. The fact of the matter, however, is that the war won't happen. China won't fuck around with the US because we help them out too much (by buying all their exported shit). And if they did... well, it'd be a big ugly fucking mess, but I have no doubt who would come out on top.
Talk about holllow vistory. The US and China are from an economic perspective - co-dependant, US businesses have sunk well over 20 billion into china, including lots of blue chips that have the ear of the whitehouse. China has nukes, china has a fucking big army, and a patriotic spirit that is unrivialed in a country its size.

Nother Korea is not aboutot invade DC i'm sure but i'm sure they wouldn't mind selling some TB or weapons grade plutonium to piss off the county that called them "evil".
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