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Old 05-29-2020, 01:38 PM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Dystopia
Posts: 13,136
First Amendment scholars said Friday morning that Mr. Trump and his allies had it backward and that he was the one trying to stifle speech that clashes with his own views.
THIS. Conservative examples of "free speech violations" often consist of *more speech* having been *added* to their speech. They want the freedom to say anything, and nobody being allowed to respond, in other words-- free speech for ME. It's an indefensible position. If the thought leaders of "right leaning" culture had any guts, this proposition could not survive, much less take hold as a movement-defining idea.

Conservatives are able to hold power despite diminishing support, only because they are more aggressive, and more successful in their gamesmanship-- as in, overshooting their response to media bias claims, therefore skewing media treatment incrementally to their own benefit. Aggressive and successful-- as in, power-grabbing the census, the redistricting, the voter rolls.

It's no surprise they are freaking out about the proposition of increased vote-by-mail. They EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE OUT LOUD that increased voter turnout equals guaranteed Republican losses. We never again need to question their "win by cheating" strategy-- they admit it. They own it.

Free speech for ME.. power for ME.. a system that works for ME. It's disgusting. It's not what we're told America stands for.
There's a level of facility that everyone needs to accomplish, and from there
it's a matter of deciding for yourself how important ultra-facility is to your
expression. ... I found, like Joseph Campbell said, if you just follow whatever
gives you a little joy or excitement or awe, then you're on the right track.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Bozzio

Last edited by Flint; 05-29-2020 at 01:51 PM.
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