Thread: ADK, Wilmington
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Old 07-23-2020, 10:35 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Griff View Post
Wilmington, NY near White Face Mtn.

We're keeping an open mind about Vermont, but we have a deep affection for the High Peaks region of New York. A liberal friend from Vermont did point out that the left can be pretty annoying in the Green Mountain State.

PA can grab up all those worst indicators. We're gunning for Mississippi's spot they seem to be going soft on heritage down there.
OMG Since I've been dating a woman from southern VT I've been reminded of just how deeply the "alternative roots" go in that state, despite having a republican governor.

Not my GF so much but all the providers. Even the veterinarians are alternative. Dog has obvious arthritis and hip problems? Here try these glucosamine chews for two months and if that doesn't help... In NY my friend who is a vet would be more "let's see how we can help fido be in fewer pain" (they get less and fewer mixed up here)

She went to a doc about some musculoskeletal issue and the regualr MD from the hospital danced all around it with a reluctance to use anything but an ultrasound. CF in NY, they follow the old 1,2,3 protocol: Steroid injection, then if no improvement PT, then MRI. (In my opinion they should just jump to MRI, but no one asked me.

So, while Vermont does have a lot to offer you have to decide what flavor wingnut you can deal with. New York will tax you mercilessly to keep the hulking Albany bureaucracy afloat while giving you in return almost nothing.

Vermont gives full time residents a state income tax rebate to somewhat offset sales tax which you shouldn't need to pay since you live there. They also did a complete Lead remediation for some friends of mine and put them up in a hotel while the work was being done. NY on the other hand compelled me to spend over $30k doing lead remediation. It would have been much more but I got certified and did the work myself.

There are pros and cons to each state.

Oh, and if you are buying land in Vermont in places that resemble the adirindacks, stay away from anything within 75 miles of a ski mountain or all your neighbors will be 3rd homer hedge fund managers.
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