Thread: Voting by Mail
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Old 08-16-2020, 04:53 PM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: "the high up north"
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are they mail-in ballot application forms, or mail in ballots? because Burlington at least (possibly the whole state) mailed a ballot application form to the last known address of, as far as i can tell, every registered voter. Mine didn't even go to my current registered address; it went to my previous voting address, which was where i lived two addresses ago, and eventually found me through mail forwarding.

none of the challenges for establishing identification that an in-person voter would have to satisfy
what challenges does your state have? because i've never had to do anything other than give my name at my polling place.

anyway, clearly you are not at the point of assuming good faith here either. which is kind of my point; at this point, trust in the system is being attacked. When I see Trump attacking mail-in voting, of which there is little to no evidence of unreliability, and saying that he is actively preventing funding the post office because that will prevent mail-in voting, well, i have trouble ascribing good faith to his actions around mail-in voting and the post office. When you see that there was a piece of undelivered mail indicating that a voter with a name you dont recognize is or was once registered at your address, you have trouble ascribing good faith to that. and i think the fact that, again, we literally disagree about what the actual facts and realities of the situation are is a real bad sign, and an indicator that this election is not going to be like any other election in recent memory. Nobody is going to have faith in the results.
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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