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Old 08-19-2020, 02:19 PM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Dystopia
Posts: 13,136
You know the score. Every little thing is overwhelming because you're at your limit. There's a big, daunting to-do list but you struggle to get out of bed-- how could you ever tackle it all? And you also know that your limit fluctuates, that you'll be at a higher capacity at some point in the future, and that you can't force yourself to get there, it will just happen. Things go in cycles. While you're on the downswing, it doesn't help to beat yourself up-- and you know this, but it's just the way things are right now. Batten down the hatches and try to take small, positive steps each day, like remembering to drink enough water and trying to get enough sleep. Exercise, if you can. Even a little bit helps.

Good luck, it's rough. I know.
There's a level of facility that everyone needs to accomplish, and from there
it's a matter of deciding for yourself how important ultra-facility is to your
expression. ... I found, like Joseph Campbell said, if you just follow whatever
gives you a little joy or excitement or awe, then you're on the right track.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Bozzio
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