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Old 10-12-2020, 05:39 PM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Santa Monica CA
Posts: 226
Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
Here's the thing, jamin: the things you're saying are not always insane. There are benefits to some of these things. As I mentioned elsewhere, my adolescent kids already take half the things you've been talking about here on a daily basis.

The problem is your attitude.

You are smug. You are righteous, and bitter, and come across as if you believe that everyone who isn't already on your train deserves whatever horrible fate they get. You aren't interested in helping people, you're interested in bragging about your own success. And that's why every conversation you participate in turns into an argument: you're behaving antisocially, and profoundly annoying the people who might otherwise support some of the things you're saying.

For a taste of the opposite side of the spectrum, consider Undertoad: he has made every attempt to be kind and forgiving of your foibles. And yet nearly everyone here has been around long enough to remember when his good friend was diagnosed with cancer. UT's friend rejected traditional cancer treatment and put their faith in supplements to save them--which they 100% didn't, the friend is dead--and UT was furious, and bewildered, and utterly crushed by his friend's choice not to take their situation seriously. Maybe he's shifted his opinion over the years, or maybe he's just a fundamentally good person who is trying to reach out to you instead of labeling you as irredeemable and abusing you until you go away.

But it would be a lot fucking easier to reach out to you if you weren't snidely slapping at every hand that came near you.
I've been treated so SHITTY here what do expect from me, tell you all how much I love you. Smug, etc, yes I feel smug as I keep healthy and take care of myself...and have been for over 30 yrs....

No one here has welcomed me except the person who directed me here...come on....and I don't keep shouting Fing Fing Fing like MOST here one has to be doing this language to be accepted?

And I'm not bitter, where the H does that come from. I have not even mentioned half of the protocols I have done in my life, like meditation to keep the mind free of stress and calm and I may have mentioned some self help info to others who are so Angry and keep hanging on to anger...but of course, got slapped down....

Last edited by jaminhealth; 10-12-2020 at 05:52 PM.
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