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Old 06-13-2004, 10:42 AM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Don't get me wrong, they make great games... playing-loyalties and working-loyalties are different. But Microsoft is at least willing to play ball with American game makers. Sony automatically has disdain for an American game, even their American offices.

Plus, I've got another reason to hate Sony--Microsoft put almost state-of-the-art audio functionality in their state-of-the-art graphics machine. Sony royally fucked over sound designers everywhere with the PS2. A PS2 is literally nothing but two Playstations inside a single case, from an audio standpoint. More overall space for sounds, but a PS2 can basically only process the same number/quality of sounds as an original Playstation can. 8 fucking megs of audio RAM, and not even the ability to steal RAM from other areas of the game.

As a rule, we design our sounds for the Xbox, and then start chopping them down (to less than half the size) to fit onto the Playstation.
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