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Old 04-18-2001, 02:45 PM   #28
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 97
Originally posted by sycamore
I've heard on occasion that the United States is TOO clean. The anti-bacterial antiseptic kick going on here is actually leaving us susceptible to new strains of everything. People take an antibiotic for a chill these days...ridiculous.
Indeed, overuse of antibiotics- and <b>especially</b> the use of these antibiotics at either subtherapeutic levels on bacterial infections or on viral infections (which are not helped by antibiotics)- is thought to be the #1 culprit in the development of many strains of disease-causing bacteria which are resistant to common antibiotic medications. Hence the resurgence of turbuculosis and more virulent strains of staph (aka "flesh-eating bacteria").

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