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Old 06-23-2004, 11:54 PM   #25
Operations Operative
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Northern WI
Posts: 739
Originally posted by Yelof
this is a depressing thread
I agree, they just did the same to the Korean CIVILIAN. I can't even express how I feel about it actually.

From what I've read, they cut off Bergs head with a knife, took a good while to do it too, he was screaming thru most of it.

One of the others they did by SAWING off his head slowly. No footage yet thank god.

I always pictured a beheading as more of a guillotine or sword thing, but I guess it doesn't matter what I think. I would have been way happier never knowing any of the above.

What disturbs me probably more than anything is these people doing this think they are going to heaven with 70 odd virgins and what not. It's not that that really bugs me, it's the fact that these animals truly believe in their cause. Enough to kill themselves over.

And we make peace with them how again? Chaulk me up with the nuke em crowd, I don't want to see a few hundred million everday arabs die along with them, but give em a few more months and we'll have dirty bombs killing thousands or millions of us. They didn't plan this shit if they didn't have a reasonable chance of getting it and doing it.

So I really want to know what you think, should we drop pamphlets & send food? Will this benefit mankind in the long run? Maybe Al Queda will see the light finally? Do you really think this is a viable strategy? They're raised to hate us, should we just lay low for a generation?

And for what it's worth, I think the war in Iraq is the right war at the wrong time, I admire Bush for his convictions but don't think he deserves a second term. I don't think Kerry deserves a first term. Who do I vote for? Leaning towards a write in for McCain.

I don't have all the answers, I've got some of them tho.
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