Thread: FUH2
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Old 07-01-2004, 01:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: New England
Posts: 104

Some people here have probably seen this site already:


This website pretty much sums up my feeling for the H2. Does anybody really need a vehicle/status symbol this impracticle? With a 32 gallon gas tank that averages out to be between $60-70 per fill up (depending where you live). They don't even fit right in parking spaces. Not to mention the fact that very few see more offroad action than bad potholes on the freeway. The vehicle is the epitome of wasteful.

The H2 is not the only one though. Other Luxury SUVs like the Lincoln Navigator, Cadillac Escalade, and Ford Excursion fall into the same category. What's worse is that they don't even do well in crash tests.

Interesting read: Big and Bad
Mostly refers to Ford vehicles but it makes some good points.

Many people have abandoned being safe for simply feeling safe. With all that metal (and lots of plastic) I must be safe, right?

To conclude this general rant, nobody really needs or should want one of these vehicles. Although I am curious if anyone owns or has considered owning a luxury SUV. I'm not looking flame anyone but just to see the other sides arguement.
Mostly lurking
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